Safety, efficiency and innovation lie at the heart of FIPROS

At FIPROS we strive for a holistic perspective as a basis for continuous and sustainable growth together with satisfied and loyal employees and customers. We take pride in continuously finding new, innovative solutions that improve the efficiency and quality of our production setup and the welfare standard of our workplace. We are always striving to improve, with particular focus on:

Our team

  • The health and safety of our employees has our biggest priority. Adequate clothes, regular health and safety training, strict safety rules and a comprehensive health insurance program make sure our employees are best taken care of.
  • We are making continuous improvements in easing physical strains for our workers and ensuring ergonomically correct workstations. More and more areas of our production are automated by robots, which relieve our workers from ergonomically unfavorable, repetitive work.
  • ​We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment and bullying at our workplace.
  • ​We promote quality awareness as a fundamental organizational value for motivated and competent employees who are attentive and proactively prevent mistakes.



Our productivity

  • ​Innovation and continuous improvement constitute an important part of our daily work. By being innovative, we can constantly service new customers and carry out new projects whilst at the same time finding more efficient and sustainable solutions to our production processes. Both contributing to the steady and sustainable growth of our company.
  • ​In our endeavour to be as efficient as possible, we are also ensuring highest food safety and quality standards throughout the entire value chain. This includes an elaborate allergen management system, regular hygiene training of our employees, and frequent hygiene tests. The risk assessment tool HACCP ensures and documents food safety at all levels.
  • ​FIPROS is on a mission to digitalize its entire production flow. We are well on our way to becoming a company that manages all its processes digitally, making them smarter and more efficient and at the same time saving endless amounts of paper and material.

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